Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am a very pale girl , but I loooove the sun and this summer has been the first summer I was not super tan. About a month ago I layed in the sun 2 days in a row and by the 3rd day my skin felt like crap and I'm only 26, so I got really freaked out and have not been in the sun since. I have not tried too many self tanners but I do really like the one from dove, it does not have an odd smell like some others, it actually smells kind of pretty so that is a plus!! it also does not make you look super orange or streaky another plus!. I use the light one and I really can see a difference, I'm not gonna say it's the greatest tan in a bottle but it really does give your skin a nice glow. I just today bought the one for medium to dark skin so maybe this one will give me a bit more color!!! we'll see.

The second one I like is the Sun Source from Aveda. I find it a bit different than the dove in the sense that I really only use the sun source when I already have a bit of a tan and want to bring it out more for that it works great! the smell is a little weird but your suppose to put it on 2 hours prior to going out, so the best thing to do is shower (and this goes for any self tanner) exfoliate and as your lotion apply the tanner right after your shower and continue to get ready!! ENJOY TANNING.

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